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Alexandra Crew Member

Alexandra Park

Hello! My name is Alexandra and I’m a Marriage and Family Therapy Trainee. I am also a daughter, a sister, a dog mom, a lifelong student, an avid rock climber, a baker, an ENFJ, and an enneagram 3. Since a young age, I have been drawn to stories of growth and goodness in people (Chicken Soup for the Soul, anyone?). I have journal entries from middle school where I’m pondering about why people are the way they are, and our capacity for change. I continued to follow this curiosity into college where I pursued a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. My inclination towards understanding myself and others, holding hope for change, and seeing the inherent goodness in everyone is something that hasn’t left me to this day. 

There’s a quote I really enjoy and it reads, “compassion for your past, appreciation for your present, and hope for your future”. It resonates with me a lot and maybe it speaks to you too. Whatever you’ve gone through in the past, I hope that you can have compassion towards that younger self. And for how you’ve carried yourself to where you are today, I hope that you can have appreciation towards your present self. And for where you want to be in the future, let’s hold hope that you will get there.  

My own journey of healing and growing has given me a lot of inspiration, excitement, and purpose and it’s why I decided to pursue a career that would give me the opportunity to work alongside others who are curious to do the same. I look forward to getting to know you!